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第195样 酸性岩浆岩






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1, Sample No.195, come from Poland. 第195样 样品来自波兰.

  Original Stone 原始石头

  Sample for identification 鉴定用样品

  Thin section photos provided by the owner.送样者提供的岩片照片

  The sample can not be attracted by a magnet. Quartz and hematite can be found in section. It has little possibility to be a meteorite visually. It may be a medium or acid rock, a kind of magmatite, so further instrumental analysis might be unnecessary.本样品与磁铁相吸的能力非常微弱,断面上可见石英和赤铁矿,经目测,样品为陨石的可能性很小,应为中性或酸性岩浆岩,可以不再进行仪器分析。



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